Sunday 15 September 2013

All at sea!

Saturday September 14th

Yesterday we planned to have breakfast at The English Market in Cork but decided against it because it was such a rainy morning. This morning dawned with a beautiful blue sky and so we walked down to The English Market to have a look and eat breakfast at one of the cafes. We’re pleased we didn’t miss it…

 One of the many fish stalls…HUGE local oysters, mussels and lobsters.

  There was an amazing array of game on sale

The central fountain

 Just a small section of the display of food on offer at The Farm Gate CafĂ©

Andrew had The English Market Breakfast…
that means one with the lot & I had large flat mushrooms on toast…delicious.

We left our hotel at 10am for the 270 k drive to Dublin travelling on a motorway with a 120k speed limit…we made good time and arrived at Ferry Terminal with plenty of time to spare.

The Stena Nordica…

Driving into the hold

 Inside the hold…trucks were in one lane, buses another
 and then caravans, mobile homes, large cars, small cars and so on.

…it was a very pleasant 3 hour crossing to Holyhead in Wales.

Tonight we stay in Holyhead…we booked into the hotel & visited 'The Standing Stones' the pub recommended by the receptionist for dinner and refueled the car…all ready for tomorrow.

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