2013 UK Road Trip Diary

Sunday 18th August

Peta, Georgia, Adam, Danielle, Michael & Kaz arrived at Monash Avenue laden with food to share and we enjoyed a Bon Voyage dinner together. We will miss our regular Thursday night dinners with them all while we’re away even though Skype, Viber etc make it so easy to keep in touch...it’s not quite the same. It was hard to believe that after talking about our UK adventure for so long it was actually only a few hours away. Adam drove us to the airport at 9pm and our flight departed a few minutes after midnight.
The 8-hour Melbourne to KL flight was OK and we had a couple of hours before boarding our KL to London flight. We walked around the terminal trying to get a bit of exercise before the 13-hour long haul ahead. Neither of us had been looking forward to this leg of the journey…even though we knew it was an A380 aircraft. I was initially horrified when we got the gate and told our seating had been changed…and then we couldn’t believe our luck when we were told we’d been upgraded to Business Class! It was WONDERFUL…great service, the food and wine delectable and even better we could actually lie down completely flat and sleep.
After past experiences with luggage going missing at Heathrow we were relieved to see our luggage on the carousel and headed off on the Heathrow Connect train service to Paddington Station and from their took a short walk along the canal to our accommodation in Little Venice. The flat is small and cosy with a lovely outdoor terrace and the location is excellent.
We decided a big walk was in order so we explored Little Venice and Paddington, found an ATM, withdrew some cash and had a quick bite to eat before turning in for the night.
I’ll add some photos of our flat from the Airbnb site :-)


  1. Trafalgar Square.. Nice Michelle

  2. It's only taken me 3 days to find the comment!! Your'e the first to do so...thanks Bryan :-) xx
