Sunday 25 August 2013

Sherwood Forest & York

Saturday 24th August
Today’s pedometer reading is 9.26 k’s.
There was a steady drizzle of rain as we left Cambridge this morning but luckily it had cleared by the time we arrived at Sherwood Forest.

In the carpark we were surprised to see a number of children and quite a few grown ups, dressed in green, wearing little green hats and carrying bows and arrows. We followed a walking trail to the Major Oak Tree.

In the adjacent clearing we were amazed to see what could have easily been Robin Hood’s Camp in the forest. A group of enthusiasts were happy to explain different aspects of forest life during the 17th Century.
The 25 minute walk to and from the Major Oak Tree was very quiet and lined with huge gnarly oak trees with many brambles forming a blanket on the forest floor. You could almost imagine Robin Hood appearing at any moment!

The last leg of today’s journey took us to York. After booking into our hotel we decided to walk the medieval wall that still encircles the city, measuring 4k’s in circumference and with four original gates intact. You can walk along a footpath atop the wall – the best place from which to admire York Minster…

…and the beautiful, city of York. We bought some rolls for lunch and ate them in the park; Andrew had a Wild Boar and tomato roll, while I opted for plain old ham and tomato!

The afternoon was spent exploring the narrow cobblestone streets and during a shower of rain sheltered in a café for coffee…the first in AGES!

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